- There are hospitals.
- There are more kinds of entertainment.
- There are more things to do.
- There is more technology.
- Educational institutions
City con.
- There is a lot of pollution.
- The city is a very noisy place.
- There is a lot of traffic
Country pros
- There is a lot of tranquility
- You are in contact with the nature
- You're life is more calm and without stress
Country con.
- There are a few of public services
- You are far away from everything
- You don't have technology
- You don't have many places to have fun
Infographic of Mexico city
The 45.5% of its population is aged below 24
For every 100 Mexicans 21 have smartphones
The official language is Spanish
The capital of Mexico is Mexico city
There is 12.3M people in Mexico City
In conclusion I think that the city offers a better lifestyle because you can have many opportunities like in job or education and also you have places in which you can have fun. Also I think that in the city you are more informed about what is happen in the world and realize that you are a part of society and you can do something to make things better.